What is your favorite book-to-movie adaptation?
This is a difficult question to answer. Often I find the adaptation of books to screen involve so many changes that the essence of the original written work is all but lost. By essence, I’m referring not just to the storyline but the emotional charge created in the reader’s mind by the author’s choice of words. However one movie stands out as having captured the reader experience so effectively and, coupled with an outstanding principal actor, managed to create the sense of deep disquiet I experienced when reading the book: The Silence of the Lambs.

Which actor(s) would you choose to play the lead character(s) in your book?
I confess to finding photos, usually on-line, to ‘fit’ with my ideas on my characters for almost all my novels as a device to help me get into their heads when I write scenes featuring them.

With my suspense thriller Outsourced I went a step further and settled on images of actors who would be models for the characters should a movie version be made. Thus, the tough, no-nonsense, out-of-her-depth Defense Intelligence Agency
operative Bridget Mason was Zoe Mclellan; the dour Nic Stiles would be James Frain and conspiracy-theory obsessed Phil Beasley was a mixture of Denzel Washington and Cuba Gooding Jr.

When it came to the sequel, Primed, the fourth protagonist, New York Homicide Detective Kristoffer ‘the Dane’ Hansen was clearly based upon one of my own personal favourite character actors, Christopher Heyerdahl.

Eric J. Gates – Biography
Eric J. Gates has had a curious life filled with the stuff of thriller novels. Writing Operating Systems for Supercomputers, cracking cryptographic codes under
extreme pressure using only paper and pen and teaching cyber warfare to spies are just a few of the moments he’s willing to recall. He is an ex-International Consultant who has travelled extensively worldwide, speaks several languages, and has had articles and papers published in technical magazines in six different countries, as well as radio and TV spots. His specialty, Information Technology Security, has brought him into contact with the Military and Intelligence communities on numerous occasions.
He is also an expert martial artist, holding 14 black belt degrees in distinct disciplines. He has taught his skills to Police and Military personnel, as well as to the public.
He now writes thriller novels, drawing on his experiences with the confidential and secret worlds that surround us.
Links (author & books mentioned in above)
Website: www.ericjgates.com
Blog: http://my-thrillers.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/eThrillerWriter
Amazon Author page: https://www.amazon.com/Eric-J.-Gates/e/B0030H3Y3A/
Global Amazon link for books
Outsourced – http://authl.it/B00NNNCA7M?d
Primed – http://authl.it/B01E49VHHC?d
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